From Mozilla Firefor Help
Move or resize existing windows
Uncheck this optionpreference to disable moving and resizing windows
using scripts.
Raise or lower windows
Uncheck this optionpreference to make sure scripts cannot raise (bring
to the front) or lower (send to the back) windows.
Disable or replace context menus
Uncheck this optionpreference to prevent web pages from disabling or
changing the Firefox context menu.
Hide the status bar
Uncheck this optionpreference to force the status bar to be displayed in
pop-up windows.
Change status bar text
Uncheck this optionpreference to disable changes to status bar text (such
as displaying scrolling text messages or preventing the link address from
being displayed while the mouse is over a link).
Enable Java
Java is a popular programming language for the Web. A single Java program
can run on many different kinds of computers, thus avoiding the need for
programmers to create a separate version of a program for each kind of
computer. Uncheck this optionpreference to disable Java applets in
Firefox. Note that in order for Java applets to work, you must
install the Java plugin.