From Mozilla Firefox Help
Searching the Web
Searching for web pages on a particular topic is as easy as typing a few
words into Firefox's Search Bar.
For example, if you want to find information about baby dolls:
1. Click in the Search Bar.
2. Type the phrase baby doll. Your typing replaces any text
currently in the search bar.
3. Hit EnterReturn to search.
Search results for "baby doll" appear in the Firefox window.
Selecting the Search Engine
You can switch the Search Engine by clicking on its icon and selecting the
Search Engine of your choice. Some Search Engines, like Google, search the
whole web; others, like, only search specific sites.
Manage Search Engines
Click on the icon of the Search Engine and select Manage Search
Engines... to add, reorder, remove, or restore the default Search Engines.
Select a Search Engine and click the appropriate button to move it around
within the list or to remove it. You can install new search engines by
clicking the Get more search engines... link.
Searching the Web for
Words Selected in a Web Page
Firefox allows you to search the web for words you select within
a web page:
1. Select (highlight) any words in a web page.
2. Right-clickPress Ctrl,
click the mouse button, and choose Search [Search Engine] for
"[your selected words]" from the popup menu.
Firefox opens a new tab and uses the currently selected Search
Engine to search for your selected words.
Searching Within a Page
To find text within the page you are currently viewing in
1. Press CtrlCmd+F or select Edit >
Find in This Page... to open the Find Toolbar at the bottom of
2. Type the text you want to find. The search automatically begins as soon as
you type something into the search box.
3. The Find Toolbar offers the following choices:
* Next: find text in the page that is below the current
cursor position.
* Previous: find text that is above the current cursor
* Highlight all: highlight occurrences of your search
string in the current page.
* Match case: limit the search to text that has the
same capitalization as your search string.
To find the same word or phrase again, press F3 or select
Edit > Find Again.
Tip: Enable the Search for text when I start typing
optionpreference in the General tab of the Advanced panel of
Tools > OptionsEdit > PreferencesFirefox > Preferences to enable the Quick Find mode of the Find Toolbar.
When enabled, the Quick Find toolbar automatically opens and starts
searching as soon as you type something. Unlike the Find Toolbar, the
Quick Find toolbar will close automatically after a few seconds of